Ahaks! I join a contest from here where my friend Abu introduced and suggested me to join it! I'm so happy to join it, so here's my drawing (finished for about an hour);
Start with rough sketch. (Oh, ignore that ID card... LOL) |
Almost done after adding more details. |
Done and scanned properly! |
Coloring step using Adobe Photoshop. |
Okay, coloring done... |
Adding background layer. |
Adding flowery objects and some texts. |
Final touch; adding signature! |
So, here's the finished piece to be submitted to the contest! Click to enlarge. |
So, if you wish to join this great contest and win a shawl and eyeliner (actually I'm out of eyeliner..hahah), click HERE to read all the contest rules and regulations.
Hey! It's remind me of her when I draw this. She's a Malaysian freelance model for muslimah and currently studying medic in Indonesia. I adore her; Fatin Liyana.
Wah!! see.. suda ku bilang..
Mesti smart nie..
Nasib baik lah aku ndak pandai dlm bab2 begini..
Klu tidak, mau jgk aku join.. hihi~
Abu..try jak ba..ikut bukan kerana hadiah atau menang, tp ikut kerana minat n bakat..ko ada bakat terpendam yg harus d asah! TRUST ME~
Thanks aa abu sb kstau~ ntah la dpt ka ni atau tak..hhuhuh
Cantiknyaaa woahhhhhh niceee kreatif plak kau ni
Thanks Cinoi~ hehehe...iya..kn sy keja graphic/web designer..kna la mpunyai tahap imaginasi yg tinggi..trima kaseh ^_^
ba, apa lg..mari la ramai2 kita join contest ni~ ^_^
wow!! totally amazing..! it's not just nice.. it's perfect masterpiece.
seeing yours artwork make me want to quit the contest.. ;p
anyway, selamat berkenalan. ;D
Haris~ Thank you very much...ala..jgnla quit dr contest!kita sma2 ramaikn n meriahkn contest..join the contest is not about winning the prize but knowing each other well and spread the muslimah fashion world wide!
Thanks again~
tq coz join! (^_^)
Jeles sebab saye takde bakat macam awak.
Sumpah comel kartun tu.
*eh ni bukan sebab "her" tau. ni mmg nak puji. ;p
Mr. Swift...timakaseh...wahh..smpat lg adore-kn c fatin liyana yer..heheheheheheheheeheh...thanks again~
Assalam...thanks for visit my blog...
Waaa...cantik2...awk jenis sketch rangka dulu ekk?? saya jenis tros lukis...kalau buat rangka dulu mmg x menjadi....
Wokey, smoga menang....
Kuronofu~thanks sb visit sy juga..timakaseh...ya, sy mmg slu lukis start guna rangka dulu sb dgn rangka kita bleh draftkn pbagai jenis posisi and balutkn texture baju dgn lebih natural~
wah ~_^ sa pun memang minat melukis ni... lama tak mengasah pensel... erm.. nak lukis gak ni tau.. chanteks a lukisan finie
Thanks BudakHutan~ mari la ramai2 kita melukis2.. ^_^
wahhh seyies memang cantek! ajar dlu cmna mo mlukis.hehehe
Thanks Cik Shiqa..klu berminat utk melukis kna slalu lembutkn tangan melukis bnyk2..bnyk buat rujukan n banyakn berimaginasi utk inspirasi~ YEAH!! ^_^
Wah, so cute.
cute oh finie..sa suka..
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