Monday, November 22, 2021

Hello World!

It's been 7 years! I feel like I want to start blogging again.

There are so many things that happen in our lives over these 7 years. 

The birth of our son in May 2015 and he's now 6 years old, will be in his first grade next year.
The loss of my father-in-law in October 2018.
The loss of our grandmother in the first Shawwal of 2021.
I finally know how to ride a bike.
I finally got an electric guitar, my mom gave hers to me and bought an Orange amp and Mooer guitar fx.
Renovated our house so we have a bigger living room and better car park area.
Noorman got a new office with a cosy bunk bed which my brother stays in now.
Involved in house plant hobby, although failed many times and hand it over to my mother-in-law.
Bought a better laptop.
Gain weight! I'm 57kg now.
Finally, have a better 4x4 ride but damn Covid-19 we can't really go anywhere.
My mom bought a house near to our home and we rented out our home in Sandakan since both of my parents decided to migrate to KK city as well.
Connected back with old friends through Facebook especially Ann, my college best friend and went to her wedding day recently in Beaufort town.
And so many things...

Yet, I'm still ---

Working in the same company.
Still have not purchased a better iPad.
Still didn't have my own car and didn't drive since we're married.
No, we are not planning for a 2nd child at the moment.
We haven't visited our extended family in the Philippines - due to Covid-19.
No, both of my younger sisters have not married.

Photos are all updated on my personal Instagram account.

Idk, I hope I will write more here so at least there'll be more things to be cringe with in the future.

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