Sunday, June 13, 2010

I cut my hair

I kept my long hair almost 2 years and today I've cut it short. I can't stand with all the sweat and too-hot tropical weather nowadays.

I know how much I love that long and curly hair as I always expressed on my drawings, but what else can I do, Mothernature didn't allow me to have them so... that's it...

Noorman kept reminds me not to cut too short. Ok-ok... I won't. So now, I got nice and short pony-tail. Aww...

 My hair used to be like this (a bit) before..Long and curly (and fall...hmm)


Anonymous said...

ha bagus la tu.bukan ko cantik rambut panjang..mcm bibik jak..ko nda jaga pulak tu..

~NaNa~ said...

finie,ko mmg suka rmbut pnjg kn dri dlu lg..panas bha rmbut pnjg...rmbutku pendek sdh since ak pindah dr LD.asl pnjg potong...heee~

Finie Ramos said...

kak itaaaa!!!!! paini!! huh

iya ba takat ni...bru2 ni la rekod rambut ku pling panjang. time keja kono2 la mau pkai shampoo mahal2..loreal (girl! you worth it! ~ bilang c aishwarya rai kunun)..padahal tipu jg! bgus lagi c pendek pas tu pkai shampoo rejoice..hihi (ukur la sendiri) -_-"

UbatPensil said...

bedusa tu ngestau kak...rmbut tu kan aurat. hee~

Anonymous said...

haha aku pakai shampoo BAWANG (iklan jackie chan)

ada mau challenge?

Finie Ramos said...

-_-" kak ita, nnt2la klu ku da keja aku bli shampoo2 yg ebat2...huhu

iza - o-oo..klu org tu dpt imagen cmna rambutku mmg ebat la dia..huhuhu... (my-0-mmy..i got a g-damn hairfall prob dude!)