Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to school

Hello kids! Welcome back to school! For those who new in school's environments, welcome! School is not a bad place to stay for the rest of your days, it's actually the best part in your life that you will never ever forget.

Well, I am damn-ly missed my school days. It was such a great moments in my life with great friends and cool teachers. Sneaked out from school somewhere deep in the estate (my school was in the middle of the oil palm estate) and jump into the estate pond illegally with friends and when our names called during the school meetings, we all punished badly because of our naughtiness.

While during high school, learnt to fall in love an got hurt many times. Learnt to be a good friends and helped each other. Everybody tried to be the best attention at school and kept crushing and admiring boys (LOL).

College life aren't the best as high school where I learnt everything about life away from families, tried to be independent and choosing the right friends to hang out with in this big city.

Today, I'm now as a working girl, sitting on my desk working and working stuffs endlessly and get paid every end of months!

Well, kids... Don't be afraid to show your talents and never fear to fall and get hurts over and over again because that's the key of successes.

Good luck!

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