Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5th Day challenge

Happy Wednesday dreamer. I'm here to write my 5th day challengeA photo of yourself two years ago. Here it is.

This is it, my 2 years ago photos ~ I love these very much

It was about 2 years ago and that time I was a bit un-matured as now. I was in college that time and I was always in love and being naughty. Hanging with bad-wrong-friends and being so regret with it now.

Yes, time help person to be mature and think wisely.


Pinung is VizarD said...

wahh kiranya sudah matang la ne kan??

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

Hihihi.. mcm lucu kan bila tengok gambar dulu2.. byk kenangan~

Finie Ramos said...

Pinung ~ Em, bleh la kira matang suda...ndak suda mcm budak2 mcm dlu.

Nonoi ~ bg sy, tgok gmbr lama mbuatkn hati slalu jd hiba sb xsgka usia suda mkin meningkat. xsangka yg kmarin itu sudah mjadi kisah klasik hari ini...